New in January: Ingest 3rd Party KYC & Issue Corrected 1099-INTs

A highlight reel of the latest and greatest at Treasury Prime.
January 17, 2024
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Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2024 with a new way to ingest KYC data as well as the ability to issue corrected 1099-INTs.

Looking for more updates? Check out the Changelog.

Product updates

Ingest third-party KYC evaluations

For those of you who BYO-KYC, we have added new parameters to our KYC endpoint to enable you to ingest KYC evaluations from an external vendor. The new parameters are as follows:

  • provider
  • provider_full
  • provider_result

These fields define the name of the third-party KYC provider and the result of the KYC evaluation for person or business applications.

Please note that the ability to ingest third-party KYC evaluations is currently limited to specific organizations and may require obtaining permission from the KYC vendor to share results. To inquire about availability for your organization, please contact your Treasury Prime Account Manager.

For more information, please visit the KYC API Reference page.

Issue corrected 1099-INTs

You now have the ability to create and file corrected 1099-INTs. Corrected 1099-INTs can only be created after the original 1099-INT for the account is generated. Issue and file corrected 1099-INTs by calling the same endpoint used to generate the original 1099-INT.

To learn more about 1099-INT generation and corrections, please visit the API Reference page.

Please note that issuing corrected 1099-INTs may incur additional charges. This update applies to ledger customers only.

Visit our Product Roadmap to see what we're currently building and check our Changelog for newly released technical improvements and feature enhancements.

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